The new logo: The world of Brabo, captured in an image

The new Brabo logo expresses what Brabo stands for, now and in the future, and translates it into contemporary imagery. At a single glance, the logo offers an overview of the activities that Brabo undertakes in the port every single day.

The arrows in two colours are a reference to the incoming and outgoing ships. The overlap creates an enclosed inner space which symbolises the port. The shape is also a reference to the mooring lines used to fasten ships to the bollards.

The people working for Brabo combine a wide variety of competences and fields of expertise. Each field has its own identity and its own derived logo with brand colours.

Brabo Logo Explanation
Brabo Group
Brabo Pilotage & Mooring logo
Brabo Academy logo
Brabo Maritime Services logo

‘Harbouring Safe & Sound’:
the added value of Brabo in 3 words

Our new baseline reflects the essence of Brabo’s activities within the port.

  • Harbouring…… means, among other things, ‘sheltering someone or something’, providing protection or accommodation. Harbouring is an old term from the shipping industry that refers to the mooring of a vessel: giving it a ‘safe haven’.
  • Safe & Sound… means that ships are literally in safe hands.

That remains Brabo’s core task to this very day. Our harbour pilots and boatmen welcome ships from all over the world. They act as both guides and hosts: ambassadors with a heart for the Port of Antwerp.

‘Harbouring Safe & Sound’ therefore sums up precisely what Brabo does: piloting ships into and out of the Port of Antwerp and assisting them during mooring and unmooring. With expert precision, safely and with respect for the ship, the crew and the environment.